Shop Brazilian Redwood (Massaranduba)

Collection: Shop Brazilian Redwood (Massaranduba)

58 products

Brazilian Redwood Outperforms & Outlasts Traditional Redwood

Advantage Massaranduba™ (pronounced Ma-Sa-Ran-Doo-bah) bears the distinction of being one of the hardest and most beautiful woods in the world, as well as the most abundant hardwood species in South America. With such a dependable material, you can enjoy outdoor living year-round without worrying about constant staining or heavy-duty maintenance. One surprising fact about this natural hardwood is how well it performs under heavy load (bending strength) tests. These tests revealed that, as a decking material, Brazilian Redwood is 7 times stronger than traditional redwood.

Brazilian Redwood (Massaranduba) Decking Specifications

Brazilian Redwood (Massaranduba) Hardness
Massaranduba hardness
Brazilian Redwood (Massaranduba) Lifespan
Massaranduba lifespan
Brazilian Redwood (Massaranduba) Bending Strength
Massaranduba bending
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